Spring 2014 Newsletter

Prince Rock Dog Training & Agility Club

Established 1983

Spring  Newsletter 2014

The club has had a busy first quarter of the year with many new members joining the beginners’ classes on Mondays.
The first few lessons are always challenging for both owners and dogs as they get accustomed to the hall and the other members of the class.  Jenny and Liz have the experience to guide them through the basic commands and in no time at all, the dogs should progress through the classes.  The aim of the club is to produce social, controllable pets and help the owners to enjoy the interaction.  It does help a great deal if owners bring some really tasty treats to tempt their dogs, such as cheese or sausage.

Agility will start again on Thursday 10th April at Gables Dog and Cat’s Home ( weather permitting) at 7 o’clock

Any member may participate as long as your dog is over 1 year of age and can come back to handler when called.

We ask members to help with the set up and put away of equipment at the end of the session.

Microchipping Event

Devon & Cornwall Police with Leanne Ferguson PCSO held 2 sessions in March in community halls in North Prospect and St Budeaux to microchip dogs free of charge.  The public response was overwhelming with 313 dogs micro-chipped over the 2 days.  The club was invited to attend and Liz, Jenny, Lou and Dave had a very busy time giving advice and promoting the club.   

We were sorry to learn that one members’ dog has lost it’s life due to consuming palm oil washed up on a beach near Plymouth.  We urge all dog owners to be vigilant when walking them off lead and to take them to the vet immediately should you have any concerns.

The club is asked to perform displays of Obedience and Agility over the summer.  All members are invited to participate.  Dates and times will be advertised in the hall as and when information is known.  There is no cost, just the pleasure of showing off your skills to family and friends

APRIL ~                                            EASTER
Oh yes, Easter is nearly here.
Such a lovely time of year
As sun begins to shine and flowers grow
Its time for Easter Eggs, you know.
Chocolate! let’s get stuck right in
But who’s that looking at your chin
With a begging look upon their face
Oh go on just a little taste…..
Then they whimper; what can you do
What harm does it do to you? ……….



It is a proven fact that chocolate is harmful to dogs and if consumed in high quantities can be fatal.  Chocolate contains a caffeine related substance called THEOBROMINE which can sicken or kill animals.  The amount of theobromine found in chocolate is small enough that chocolate can be safely consumed by humans in large quantities but dogs metabolise theobromine slower & can easily consume enough to cause chocolate poisoning.  Dogs are more common victims to chocolate poisoning because they seem to have a stronger sweet tooth &, through smell, a better ability to find chocolate.  However cats and other small animals can also experience this kind poisoning.  Chocolate is more likely to give an animal a bad stomach ache than kill them but if ingested in high enough levels it can be fatal.  Not surprisingly, Christmas and Easter are peak times for potential poisonings because of the ample supply of chocolate available and often our sneaky friends are helping themselves without our knowing.

Keep all chocolate goodies out of reach; never forget how far some dogs will go to get their paws on this tasty treat.
                                                                                                                            Lou Hannah

Please feel free to talk to any of our trainers on Club night
 or by these methods below:
  Club Folder                         ~          available on club nights
  Our website                         ~          princerockdogclub.webs.com       
  Our Blog                  ~          http://princerockdogtrainingclub.blogspot.com
  Email us                  ~          prdtc@btinternet.com
  Suggestion Box     ~          available on club nights
  St Matthias Church Hall, Bedford Park, North Hill,   Plymouth, PL4  8HU  

Please also note that all committee members are volunteers and give their time freely so be patient if it takes a while to return your emails.

Easter Raffle

Tickets for sale ( 50p each) to win one of these lovely dog mugs full of Easter eggs!

See Teresa or Jenny  proceeds to go to Gables Cats and Dogs Home

Be proud to be a member of the club by purchasing a polo shirt or sweatshirt with our logo on it. 

The Club has leads, halties,
Dumbbells and other
Equipment for sale at reasonable prices,
Please ask a trainer.

Would you like a walk on the moor with other club members?  Let Dave know and he would be happy to arrange a date for one weekend. 

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