Autumn 2012 Newsletter

Prince Rock Dog Training & Agility Club

Autumn Newsletter 2012
Issue 4/2012

We are pleased you have taken the step to join our club and we will do our best to help you train your dog.  A most important part of having a dog, is to socialise it.  This means that it will be comfortable in situations where there is a lot of noise, and activity around it, but that your dog will be able to ignore it and not display any aggressive behaviour. Initially, when dogs join a group they are feeling unsure and therefore can disturb the class for a short time.  We ask that should this happen in a class, for the rest of the class members to give the new dog a chance, and in no time at all, it will adjust and be a happy member of the group. We recommend owners practice the obedience techniques taught for only about 5-10 minutes a day.  That is sufficient.

Please also remember that the club is run by volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to it because they love dogs.

Liz Riley – Head Trainer

Please feel free to talk to any of our trainers on Club night
 or by these methods below:
  Club Folder               ~          available on club nights
  Our website                         ~
  Our Blog                   ~
  Email us                    ~
  Suggestion Box        ~          available on club nights
  St Matthias Church Hall, Bedford Park, North Hill,   Plymouth, PL4  8HU

Paws to Note……….
Monday 17TH December 2012 7.15  Christmas Party  Tickets £2 each
Games, fun, hat competition, prize giving and of course, Lou’s special doggy Christmas cake!       Also it will be the last club night of 2012.
Classes re start Monday 7th January 2013

Home and Aboard Animal Charity talk has been postponed.  See Chairman’s letter later.

A Grand Day Out - The Sponsored Walk at Cann Woods on 16th September raised £222 for the Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation and The Kennel Club Charitable Trust.  Many thanks to all who participated and donated. 

For Sale:   Dog guard to go between front car seats £10.00

The Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club
 The Trainers

In the last newsletter we met David Frost who teaches the second class on Mondays   In this edition we introduce you to Liz Riley our Head Trainer.

Liz will enrol you into the club when you first join, explain the philosophy of the club and discuss what we can offer to help you train your dog.
Liz joined the Prince Rock Dog Club 16 years ago with her dog Cleo, stayed on to lend a hand, completed Graham Mabbit’s Police Dog Handler’s and the Kennel Club Good Citizen’s Award courses, attended seminars and various other canine behaviour courses over the years and is now our Head Trainer With her experience and common sense, her love of dogs is self evident.  Like people, all dogs are different in size, behaviour, circumstances and demands, so it is a difficult job to assess and bring the best out of them.  With her quiet manner, she can gently suggest improvements in the owner’s commands.  As she says, the most difficult part of her job, is training the owners, not the dogs!  Liz takes 2 classes, one on Monday and one on Tuesday and agility on Thursdays.  She also holds Bronze, Silver and Gold Good Citizen Award courses.  She will approach you if she considers you and your dog are ready to attend them.

So, with the benefit of her team around her, Liz can oversee the activities of the dogs and owners, and I hope you will agree, the club is a very happy place to be!

Lou’s Top Tips:  November 5th and Fireworks

November 5th is such a happy time for children, the sky filled with pretty lights, rockets soaring into the sky, sparklers, bangers and bonfires with flames high in the air.  Happy children laughing and enjoying the fun, but give a thought to our poor dogs.  If you have ever seen a dog afraid of loud bangs, unable to settle or escape, hiding in a corner of the room or behind a sofa, shaking uncontrollably, saliva dripping from its’ mouth or worse, it is not nice for you or the dog. 

So, what to can you do ??   Take the dog for it’s walk early in the morning, forget his evening one, feed him early and make sure he is settled before the fireworks start.  If he is nervous, DO NOT MAKE A FUSS OF HIM.  Although you will want to, you must ignore him or you will only reinforce his stress.  You could try a natural remedy like the herb Basil or Bach Flower Rescue Remedy or visit your vet to see if he would recommend a sedative.  Make sure the dog is in the home and don’t forget cats and other animals. In case of accidents, have your vet’s number handy.  Have a good time but take care.  
Bronze Award Success !!

Congratulations to Cathy & Casper, Carly & Daisy, Jane & Sandy, Angela & Mac, Pam & Brooke, Chris & Lily, Joanne & Zeus, Susanne & Rosie, Moira & Chester and Dawn & Humphrey all who passed the Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze Award in October.  Thanks go to the Dog warden Julie and of course, to Liz Riley, our Head Trainer.

And finally, a note from the Chairman ………………

Here we are, nearing the end of 2012 with plans for the Christmas party under way.  For those of you new to the club, it is one of the rare opportunities for everyone to get together with the evening including customised, fun games for owner & dog together (such as musical squares, biscuit relay race, egg & spoon race, statues, etc).  We also hold a themed fancy dress competition (your dog – not you) so get your “thinking caps” on.  We also present the achievement awards with trophies & certificates, hold a raffle & there will be a very special “Christmas Cake” carefully baked & “iced” by Lou for the dogs.

This Christmas Party is only possible because of the committee members & other volunteers who give their time freely to purchase/prepare the food & help with the games.  I am sure that those who have attended in previous years will say the £2.00 charge for the buffet food is good value for money. Tickets will go on sale soon.

As many of you know, the club has a special affinity with The Woodside Animal Welfare Trust (charity number 299789) & we are, again, asking club members to donate food, treats & toys for all the animals they take in (not just dogs).  A box will be available during club nights for you to place your kind donation(s) & everything collected will be passed on to the charity’s representative during the Christmas Party.  Your contributions will make a big difference to those who are not as fortunate as your own pet(s).

Regrettably, we have been forced to postpone the talk by Clare Smith in respect of Home & Abroad Animal Welfare Charity however we would still like to help the charity.  Please check your cupboards for any serviceable leads, harnesses, collars, plastic dog bowls, toys, packets of dog food, chews, flea and worming treatment you no longer need as any contribution you make for this charity could save a dog’s life & will certainly enhance their conditions.  There already is a basket available for your kind donations.

Finally a few “thank you’s” to everyone who attended & helped with the obedience & agility displays we put on this year.  We have had such positive feedback from the organisers.  It is lovely to show such a wide variety of experience from those dogs who’ve been part of the team for a number of years to relative newcomers to the club who took part for the very first time.  Whilst a daunting experience, I do hope you enjoyed showing off your dog’s skills & did not worry if your dog didn’t stick to the script or invented their own way of negotiating the agility equipment (as this is what the audience love to see).  Please tell your class members, as your influence may result in them joining too.
Judith Hosking

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