Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Christmas Party - Monday 17th December at 7.30 pm

Well, the party is over and what a party it was!!!   We hope everyone enjoyed the games, Lou's dog cake and the food.  Lots of certificates presented too.

Here are a few photos to show you.  If you were there and saw me take a photo, let me know and I will email it to you.  Have a great christmas and see you all in 2013!!   Teresa

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Alfie's Story - a St Bernard Pup at Dog School

“Dog School” by me Alfie  ( helped a bit by my owner Anna Rowley)

My name is Alfie and I’m nearly 2yrs old (that’s 14 in dog years!). I am however, still developing mentally (not a problem – I’m quite well balanced) and physically (more of a problem – I’m a St Bernard and currently tip the scales at 75kg!). I’m going to keep growing for a while and expect to end up around 95kg – Mummy says I’m pretty much a small donkey already (how rude)!

I went to live with Mummy and Daddy at eight weeks old. They had spent the previous six months researching and preparing for life with a large breed dog as it’s no mean feat taking on a big chap like me. They had to ready themselves for the elephant-sized poos, the exuberance of a giant puppy and lots and lots of dog hair – we have gone through three hoovers in a year! Plus, because I’m so strong, they had to make a commitment to weight-lifting just so they know they can hold me firm when 75kg of dog wants to go in one direction and they want to go in another.

I spent my first few months getting to know Mummy and Daddy, their family, friends and their children, other dogs, the general public and pretty much being exposed to every experience they could open up to me. I’ve been in coffee shops, the post office, the gym, I’ve sat through rugby matches, live outdoor concerts, I’ve walked through the noise and loud music of the fairground, I’ve been surrounded by large crowds up on the Hoe watching all sorts of events, and I’ve even sat patiently through  fireworks. I now have a very deep faith in Mummy and Daddy – they always prioritise my needs - so much so that Granny (known as Aunty Sal as she says she’s too young to be a granny) calls me her canine grandchild because I am so much a part of the family. All this integration has paid off – I recently spent time visiting a group of very frail, elderly people – I knew I had to sit very still and be very gentle as some were very unsteady on their feet but the residents seemed to really enjoy my visit, spending a couple of hours with me, and asking if I could come back on a regular basis.

When I got to six months old, Mummy told me that I was getting big (nearly 50kg), and she said that big dogs must be well-behaved dogs, and so with that we set off for Dog School. I absolutely adore my trainer (and I think she loves me too – sort of – even though I’m nearly bigger than her!). She not only teaches me stuff but she also shows Mummy and Daddy how to continue the training themselves – so every day’s a school day now – as we practice different things for a few minutes each day. Since joining Dog School I have consolidated on the basics, and am now pretty good with all sorts of commands, as well as interacting politely with other dogs and their owners. It has been a steep but fun learning curve, and I have not only learned commands, but also a respect for Mummy and Daddy. It would be easy for a big dog to rule the roost in any family but Dog School has helped me to learn that they are in charge, not me, and this has been an important aspect of my development.

I’m not perfect yet though – I have been told I have naughty tendencies occasionally in class (Mummy says it’s embarrassing when I slobber on other people, or all over the front of her trousers, or roll on my back with my legs in the air when I’m supposed to be laying down, or drink all the water in all the dog bowls in the room, but I think it’s character-building for her and Daddy!). 

Mummy and Daddy said that all my experiences with the general public and my training would prepare me for every eventuality and that it was important for me to learn how to react calmly to everything that would come my way. This reaped dividends when I was very ill recently and had to have several x-rays and scans. The vet said he would have to sedate me to keep me still as I’m such a large dog but Mummy and Daddy said I didn’t need that, and they asked me to lay very still for the whole time and I did - so I didn’t need the sedation – Mummy said she had never been prouder of me.

In conclusion, Dog School has had a huge impact on my life. We committed to regular attendances and as a result my I have matured in my behaviour quite significantly. So much so in fact, that when Mummy and Daddy got married this summer, it was my privilege to walk the wedding rings down the aisle! They said I did a wonderful job, walking beautifully up the aisle to the best man, sitting, handing over the rings, and walking back down the would probably have been nigh-on-perfect if I hadn’t stopped and done a slow motion headshake towards the back of the church, covering the last three rows in slobber! No-one’s perfect though eh – all the more reason to keep going to Dog School!


Monday, 10 September 2012


To conclude the summer spell of agility, the annual BBQ was held for about 60 people.  The weather was perfect, and many turned up to have a free and easy try at the agility equipment.  Agility ceases now for the summer and will restart in 2013.

Dave busy cooking!

Liz and Judith handing out certificates

Friday, 10 August 2012

Another agility evening at Gables Farm 9th August 2012

12 dogs and their folks had a good time at agility.  All were tired out at the end of the evening.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Newton Downs Horse and Dog Show - Saturday 4th August 2012

The Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club gave an obedience and agility demonstration before the Dog Show.  Despite inclement weather, the club members performed brilliantly as did their dogs!  Deidre and Winnie won the best dog of the day - congratulations!!

Here are a few photos and videos of the day:

Tempting the dogs with food  (in the rain!)

Deidre and Winnie - First of the firsts!!
Cathy and Casper on the agility equipment
The Spiral!

Friday, 27 July 2012

More Agility Shots!!

Here are some more actions shots of the dogs going through their paces this month:

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Walkies - Sunday 8th July 2012

All smiling after the walk,  - off to the pub!
This walk was attended by 20 and their dogs.  The weather was kind to us, well, not raining !!

Dave gave out snipets of info about the filming of the film war horse and history of the area.

A sheep took exception to us!

If you look carefully, you can see why Bob is on a lead!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

St Levan's Park - Saturday 2nd June 2012

The sun shone on the Prince Rock Dog Team who performed their routines very well.  Thanks go to all who joined in, especially the new club members.

Judith in her stride!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

An evening of agility - 31.05.12

An evening with Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club Thursday 31st May 2012 -  this is a very popular evening for our members as you will see from the photos below
All lined up to wait their turn

Trevor with Buddy

Vicky and Jinny

Claire and Lily  ( first timers!!)

Dave with Bob ( old timers)

Sarah with Saffy being coaxed through the tunnel

Deidre with Winnie

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Agility begins Thursday evenings ( weather permitting!)

PLEASE ring Dave on 01752 337846  if the weather is doubtful.  If there is rain or threat of rain the decision to go ahead will be taken at 6 o'clock.  Thank you


Agility at Gables Farm - 2012

Agility evenings run in the summer months at Gables Farm, first evening 12th April. We start at 7pm and finish at approximately 8.15pm.  The charge is £2.00 per dog.
We do not hold sessions when it is raining, or if the ground is very wet.

Our arrangements with Gables require the following

Ø      Shut the entrance gate after passing through
Ø      Park on the gravel area behind the main Reception building
Ø      Do not go beyond our designated Agility area – you or your dog
Ø      Keep control of your dog
Ø      Due to proposed building works we are using gables upper paddock area

Our Requirements

We appreciate your help in erecting and dismantling the equipment.  The more help we get the easier and quicker it gets done and the longer we can enjoy the agility.  The trainers are all volunteers; we do not receive any money ourselves, we want to enjoy the evening as well.

Dogs/owners must be registered members of the club; dogs must be over 1 year old, no older than 10 and respond to a recall command. Owners to ensure that their dogs are fit and able to participate.

We do not do this competitively; we just do it for fun.

Now for the dreaded health & safety:

Ø      Be careful in moving the equipment, most of it is heavy, lift only what you are comfortable with
Ø      The ground can be uneven and slippery, there are sometimes rabbit holes in the agility area – take care where and how you are walking/running; wear sensible footwear.
Ø      Keep control of your dog, some dogs want to join in when it is not their turn, there are usually rabbits at the far end of the field, which the dogs like chasing!


If the weather is dubious, or you have any other queries please contact David Frost

01752 337846 or 0777 954 1153   - Or speak to committee members at the club

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Kennel Club Gold Good Citizen Award - Tuesday 4th April 2012

All entrants in the Kennel Club Gold Good Citizen Award were examined by Julie, Plymouth's Dog Warden last night.  The crtieria is tough, but we are pleased to announce that all passed with flying colours.  Many thanks go to Liz for all her hard work.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

A good start to the new year as the hall has been decorated and 7 new members joined us in the first week back!