Diamond Jubilee Edition of the Newsletter 2012

Prince Rock Dog Training & Agility Club
Diamond Jubilee edition of the Club Newsletter
Issue 2/2012

We are a non-profit making club, run by volunteers for over 25 years, committed to promoting excellent animal welfare by helping members socialise and train their dogs.  Positive schooling methods of repetition, praise and reward are taught by qualified, experienced trainers during structured, enjoyable lessons in dog obedience, agility and flyball. We recommend owners practice the obedience techniques taught for about 5-10 minutes a day.
Judith Hosking  :  Chair

Please feel free to talk to any of our trainers on Club night or by these methods below:
  Club Folder               ~          available on club nights
  Our website                         ~          princerockdogclub.webs.com
  Our Blog                   ~          http://princerockdogtrainingclub.blogspot.com
  Email us                    ~          prdtc@btinternet.com
  Suggestion Box        ~          available on club nights

Check out the stock we carry which includes leads, harnesses, dumbbells & behavioural products at discounted prices to members.

Dates to note
Saturday 2 JUNE 2012 ~ Obedience demonstration at St Leven Park.  All dogs welcome to participate as we like to show all levels of training & the audience love to see puppies taking part.     See your class trainer for further information.     
Sunday 8 JULY 2012 ~ Would you like to join fellow members for ‘walkies’?  Further information will be available during classes & if there is sufficient interest we would like to make this a regular occurrence.
The Prince Rock Dog Training and Agility Club
 The Trainers

Let me introduce you to the people who are here to help you to train your dog.  The Club has four volunteer trainers : Liz Riley is the Head Trainer, Jenny McGinnes, David Frost and Martin Harris.
Lou Hannah is the founder member of the Club.

First of all,  Jenny McGinnes: the trainer for Beginners.

The Club holds 3 classes on a Monday, the first class is for Beginners.  That is, puppies and dogs, which have not had training due to being a rescue or other reason.  This class is run by Jenny McGinnes who has owned dogs all her life and has been actively training others for over 15 years. In her class you will learn how to teach your dog to sit, stand, and down with voice and hand commands.  Another important aspect of this class is socialisation. 

When you enrol and become a member of the club, you are invited to immediately join in Jenny’s class. It may seem that you are thrown in at the deep end.  Jenny’s class can be noisy and chaotic at times, but don’t forget these dogs have a lot to learn, and are frightened, excited, nervous and eager to please.  You and your dog are beginning a journey, and the first steps are always the worst!  If you listen to Jenny and practice at home, in no time at all, Jenny will see that your dog is paying attention to you and obeying your commands.  You will then be asked to go up into the second class which is taken by David Frost.  In the next newsletter, we will focus on David and his approach to training.


Now the lighter evenings have arrived, the Club has resumed agility at Gables Farm, Plympton on Thursday evenings at 7 pm. This year, Gables are allowing us to use their equipment as they are planning alterations to the area we normally occupy.

All members with a dog over a year and under 10 years, who can recall their dog on command are eligible to participate.  More information can be obtained from any committee members, the website www.princerockdogtrainingclub.co.uk  or the blog linked from it.

If the weather is wet or doubtful, for safety reasons, it will be cancelled. A decision will be made on the day at 6 o’clock.  Ring David on 01752 337846 for confirmation.

Judith Hosking Chairperson’s Report:

“Much has happened this year already & a lot of activity is planned for the rest of the year, so read on & do keep your diaries free as I’d like to see you joining in.

Those of you who attended the Annual General Meeting heard reports from club officers covering the previous 12 months & voted for committee members & personnel to fill the various offices.  With official business concluded, attendees were treated to an interesting talk by our President, Adam Coulson covering first aid & equipment recommended for our canine friends, refreshments were served & a raffle held in aid of Woodside Animal Charity.  I thank everyone concerned as your club could not continue without such commitment.   

Displays at Summer Fairs

The club is often invited to give displays of obedience and agility at summer fairs and fetes.  Many regular club members look forward to showing off their skills in this way.  So look out for the notices on the table as you enter the hall, and sign up to join us.  We encourage beginners too, as onlookers don’t necessarily want to see the perfectly trained dog.  We aim to demonstrate responsible ownership and most of all enjoyment and fun in owning a dog who is clearly happy in a controlled environment. 

The Who’s Who on the Committee for 2012/2013:

Adam Coulson              President
Lou Hannah                 Hon Vice President : Vice Chairperson : Behaviourist
Judith Hosking            Chairman
David Frost                 Treasurer : Trainer
Jenny McGinnes          Secretary: Trainer
Liz Riley                       Head Trainer : Cup Steward: Membership Secretary
Martin Harris              Trainer                        Steve Garlick              Website Co-ordinator
Cathy Thuis-Harris      Teresa Frost    Liz Jones          Caitlin Jones    Pat King

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.  As always, we are interested in hearing from members who wish to share items so if you have anything you want included please hand your contribution to your class trainer, ensuring your name is shown at the bottom of the piece.                                                                  The Committee

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